
Alumni Testimonials

Daris Kurnia Habibulloh

" I am very grateful to be able to study at KPI UMY International Class. Initially, it was difficult to be in the position of the first batch of international class, because it used 2 languages of instruction. Alhamdulillah, with the guidance of KPI lecturers, we were able to go through the lectures easily and in the end we graduated on time. I am also happy because the international class KPI combines communication science and Islamic scholarship, especially in the field of da'wah, thus making graduate students capable of broadcasting Islam through various fields of expertise. (Activist Da'i Arimatea Yogyakarta, PMI Volunteer, Delegation of Da'i Muhammadiyah to Maluku in the "Moluccas Philanthropy" Program with Lazismu in 2016. IPICOM UMY - Alumni Class 2016) "

- Daris Kurnia Habibulloh -

Nurani R. Mardhiyah

" I am very happy to be able to enter the international class KPI, during college I got an environment that can open wider horizons, open wide relationships as well, and of course experience that can mature myself and be ready to enter the world of work. (Front Office and Marketing Staff of one of the Health Agencies. IPICOM UMY Alumni Class of 2017) "

- Nurani R. Mardhiyah -

Muhammad Jaya Kelana

" KPI is not only a place to learn, but also a place to work. KPI has ICC and KKI TV, this is the main place for students to learn to work. When I was in college, I also had many works, some of which were spread across 34 provinces. On the other hand, all KPI lecturers are close to students, making students gain knowledge and role models more than the lecturers. All of these things differentiate UMY's KPI from others. (Best Graduate Period III 2020/2021 IPICOM UMY. Alumni Class of 2017) "

- Muhammad Jaya Kelana -

Nur’aini Puji Lestari.

" Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful and proud to be an international class alumni of KPI UMY. KPI UMY students not only study Communication and Counseling, but are also equipped with Religious knowledge. Guided by qualified lecturers in their respective fields, students are able to develop their insight and potential to be ready to enter the world of work. (Fundraising (Assembling) Staff at KL Lazismu Mantrijeron, Graphic Designer, Designer Freelance at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta. IPICOM UMY Alumni Class of 2017) "

- Nur’aini Puji Lestari. -
